Executing applications (exec)
Hi, i3 docs states:
What good is a window manager if you can’t actually start any applications? The exec command starts an application by passing the command you specify to a shell. This implies that you can use globbing (wildcards) and programs will be searched in your $PATH.
Couple of questions:
- which shell is used (I assume user's default shell)
- can I use everything that is available in full shell (like variables, pipes, multiple commands separated with ; and other things)
- its the i3 process that spawns them right?
Because for some reason this is not working for me:
bindsym Control+Mod1+l exec i3-msg workspace 1; i3lock -c 111111 -d
and only the first command is executed.
I found that && instead ; works but I am interested in limitations. Thanks!
When you are using semicolon `;` all commands will be executed regardless of their exit code. When you are using `&&` and one of the commands fail, remaining ones won't be executed.